Brian's Portfolio project and blog

The official site for Brian's projects and portfolio.

Excel 2016

Highline Excel 2016 Professional Class taught by Michael ‘excelisfun’ Girvin. This playlist of 26 videos will aid you in going from beginner to intermediate skills using Excel by downloading and following along you will learn VLOOKUP, Pivot Tables and more.

Excel 2016 Youtube playlist

Net neutrality must be protected.

Did we forget the history of this fight. This is one of the many reasons I love the internet we can have such a long memory about when ISPs were almost allowed to self regulate. Below is a link to an article that was featured on June 2014.

Pay Different Prices To Access Different Sites: Virgin Mobile Leaps Through Net Neutrality Exemption With Gusto.

Emmet Plugin for Brackets

This powerful keyboard shortcut extentino can aid you in speeding up the code creation of your html and css.

You can download the plugin from here

Emmet takes the snippets idea to a whole new level: you can type CSS-like expressions that can be dynamically parsed, and produce output depending on what you type in the abbreviation. Emmet is developed and optimised for web-developers whose workflow depends on HTML/XML and CSS, but can be used with programming languages too.

I wasn't convinced until I read about ordered and unordered list creation with Emmet. With just a few lines I could quickly turn this:


Into a full five item unordered list or if I wanted to include

A cheat sheet with the most popular combinations can be downloaded It is worth the look.

Git Cheatsheets

Having trouble keeping all of the Git commands in your head or maybe you just want a little reassurance.

I stumbled on these today two cheatsheet for Git commands that will come in handy. You can download them from the links below.

Git Hub Cheatsheet page 1.

Git Hub Cheatsheet page 2.

A Scrum Masters work is never done

Below is a funny video a fellow scrum master sent to me and passed along to my friends to explain what exactly it was that I did at work all day.

Being a scrum master is great though I've never had to tackle anyone sometimes it can feel like that when first introducing the process to people who are new to scrum.

Are you Strange?

Having trouble keeping all of the Git commands in your head or maybe you just want a little reassurance.

poster for strange people